Product Prices

Get a product price#

Use this endpoint if you want to get all the information for a specific product price.

Method: GET

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/productprice/{product_price_id}

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "GET Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": {
"Id": "8a306490-21c2-44d9-bb61-4ee6bf4f4e8c",
"ProductId": "b4518805-b310-448b-8d6c-20a55e22a61d",
"CreatedAt": "2021-10-27T19:18:12.95601",
"ProductPriceType": "Standard",
"ProductPriceStatus": "Active",
"Price": 150,
"PerUnit": 0,
"Frequency": "OneTime",
"EnableFreeTrial": false,
"FreeTrialInDays": 0,
"EnableSetupFee": false,
"SetupFee": 0,
"Currency": "CAD",
"Product": {
"Id": "b4518805-b310-448b-8d6c-20a55e22a61d",
"Name": "gym",
"ProductStatus": "Active",
"CustomerId": "e9a6db53-1c9b-491d-9ecb-cfb6c6f3d035"


IdstringThe Id for the product price
ProductIdstringThe Id for the product on witch is related
CreatedAtdateCreation date
ProductPriceTypestringPrice Model
ProductPriceStatusstringStatus for the product price
PerUnitstringPackage size
FrequencystringPrice frequency
PlanNamestringPlan name
PlanDescriptionstringPlan description
BillingPeriodstringBilling Period Type
EnableSubscriptionEndDateboolEnable subscription end date
SubscriptionEndDatedateEnd date that makes subscription available
EnableFreeTrialboolEnable free trial feature
FreeTrialInDaysintNumber of days for free trial
EnableSetupFeeboolEnable setup fee
SetupFeedecimalNumber of days for free trial
CurrencystringCurrency set for the product price
ProductRelated product
IdguidId for the Product
NamestringProduct name
DescriptionstringProduct Description
ProductStatusstringProduct status
CustomerIdguidId for the related customer

Delete a product price#

Use this endpoint if you want to delete a specific price. You can only delete prices that are not being used on any active invoices or subscriptions.

Method: DELETE

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/productprice/{product_price_id}

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "DELETE Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": ""

You can only delete prices that are not being used on any active invoices or subscriptions

Archive a product price#

Use this endpoint if you want to archive a specific product price. Once archived, the product price will not be visible in any end user facing screens. If there are any active subscriptions or invoices they will remain until cancelled.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/productprice/{product_price_id}/archive

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "PATCH Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": {
"Id": "40c6679f-454d-41fc-9f54-96d838063615",
"ProductId": "ddf4d159-b524-4f6f-bd86-c47f6e7764f6",
"CreatedAt": "2022-02-14T15:24:59.865516",
"ProductPriceType": "Standard",
"ProductPriceStatus": "Archived",
"Price": 2.34,
"PerUnit": 0,
"Frequency": "OneTime",
"EnableFreeTrial": false,
"FreeTrialInDays": 0,
"EnableSetupFee": false,
"SetupFee": 0,
"Currency": "CAD",
"Product": {
"Id": "ddf4d159-b524-4f6f-bd86-c47f6e7764f6",
"Name": "Test",
"Description": "Test",
"ProductStatus": "Active",
"CustomerId": "e9a6db53-1c9b-491d-9ecb-cfb6c6f3d035"
IdstringThe Id for the product price
ProductIdstringThe Id for the product on witch is related
CreatedAtdateCreation date
ProductPriceTypestringPrice Model
ProductPriceStatusstringStatus for the product price
PerUnitstringPackage size
FrequencystringPrice frequency
PlanNamestringPlan name
PlanDescriptionstringPlan description
BillingPeriodstringBilling Period Type
EnableSubscriptionEndDateboolEnable subscription end date
SubscriptionEndDatedateEnd date that makes subscription available
EnableFreeTrialboolEnable free trial feature
FreeTrialInDaysintNumber of days for free trial
EnableSetupFeeboolEnable setup fee
SetupFeedecimalNumber of days for free trial
CurrencystringCurrency set for the product price
ProductRelated product
IdguidId for the Product
NamestringProduct name
DescriptionstringProduct Description
ProductStatusstringProduct status
CustomerIdguidId for the related customer

Unarchive a product price#

Use this endpoint if you want to unarchive a specific product price. Once unarchive, the product price will be visible in any end user facing screens. If there are any active subscriptions or invoices they will remain until unaffected.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/productprice/{product_price_id}/unarchive

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "PATCH Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": {
"Id": "40c6679f-454d-41fc-9f54-96d838063615",
"ProductId": "ddf4d159-b524-4f6f-bd86-c47f6e7764f6",
"CreatedAt": "2022-02-14T15:24:59.865516",
"ProductPriceType": "Standard",
"ProductPriceStatus": "Active",
"Price": 2.34,
"PerUnit": 0,
"Frequency": "OneTime",
"EnableFreeTrial": false,
"FreeTrialInDays": 0,
"EnableSetupFee": false,
"SetupFee": 0,
"Currency": "CAD",
"Product": {
"Id": "ddf4d159-b524-4f6f-bd86-c47f6e7764f6",
"Name": "Test",
"Description": "Test",
"ProductStatus": "Active",
"CustomerId": "e9a6db53-1c9b-491d-9ecb-cfb6c6f3d035"
IdstringThe Id for the product price
ProductIdstringThe Id for the product on witch is related
CreatedAtdateCreation date
ProductPriceTypestringPrice Model
ProductPriceStatusstringStatus for the product price
PerUnitstringPackage size
FrequencystringPrice frequency
PlanNamestringPlan name
PlanDescriptionstringPlan description
BillingPeriodstringBilling Period Type
EnableSubscriptionEndDateboolEnable subscription end date
SubscriptionEndDatedateEnd date that makes subscription available
EnableFreeTrialboolEnable free trial feature
FreeTrialInDaysintNumber of days for free trial
EnableSetupFeeboolEnable setup fee
SetupFeedecimalNumber of days for free trial
CurrencystringCurrency set for the product price
ProductRelated product
IdguidId for the Product
NamestringProduct name
DescriptionstringProduct Description
ProductStatusstringProduct status
CustomerIdguidId for the related customer