
Required configuration#

To use Zūm Rails Aggregation, you must have a valid CustomerId, provided within your onboarding. If not, you can quickly grab it from Zūm Portal.

The customer Id for testing in sandbox is the same as your API username found under the API settings in your portal.

Basic configuration#

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueRequired
customeridYour CustomerId-yes

The base URL for Connector is:


Configure the user experience#

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueRequired
consentWhen true, display the consent page. This page explains to the end user what information will be extracted and requires the end user to agree with the terms & conditionstruefalse
accountselectorDisplay a page to select the preferred account, usually used for ACH payment initiation.truefalse
testinstitutionDisplay Zūm Rails test institution, used while you are testing.falsefalse
adduserinportalAdd connected users in Zūm Rails Portal.falsefalse
clientuseridTo be used when adduserinportal is true, this parameter enables you to inform your internal id for this userundefinedfalse
institutionidInform the bank institution id to be used as the selected institutionundefinedfalse
hiddeninstitutionsInstitutions added to this parameter will not be displayed for the end-user in the FIs listundefinedfalse
singleAccountSelectionEnable the user to select a specific account Chequing or Savings and disable all others.undefinedfalse

The field institutionid can be defined with only one of the institution IDs. The field hiddeninstitutions can be defined with one or more comma separated institution IDs.

Bank of America67e56976-80c6-4321-b93a-969b8685c848
BMO (US)12112c05-3eec-4987-9740-508ab3b0aa07
Capital One1f3a818c-d396-4ccb-af3b-d201e1c0d355
Charles Schwab USc48d024d-5ab4-4438-b89a-6f60c9257ed6
Chase Bank374970ad-229d-4f75-a9e6-905330c22f57
Citizens Bank621787f4-7dfe-4d90-afe8-dc5faa84a589
Fifth Third Bank6ac60d50-cd6b-4aef-91fb-d9d31a37c3c4
First Citizens Bank791f1e6a-0295-438e-9feb-8a4f31f779d3
Goldman Sachs - Transaction Banking4230c3ae-d6a7-4dec-b63f-90d10e5657cf
HSBC (US)b7c13426-5e6f-452c-9f03-0f49a7cd4230
Huntington Bank73c6e5ef-ba26-44bc-81f6-5f0c87cd46a7
JP Morgan - Accessdb185a9d-2f14-41ad-ae2b-a5cde14c9bcf
Key Bank433267c4-f5dc-4401-a450-158148f8ddcc
PNC Banka7efbbac-950f-42b4-a056-b98aa3c73330
TD Bank (US)20044acd-32e4-4711-941d-0c9198c9aeb6
The Bank of New York Mellon951e451c-1a7a-41c4-b062-f37ac573f348
U.S. Bank34fa35f1-3abf-4d80-acf1-52d58c954859
Wells Fargoacb7648d-888b-436b-be0d-fb391fd054bd
Zūm Rails Testing Bank *2a778283-d87a-4b8c-aa3e-af1ed16bc486
  • Zūm Rails Testing Bank is only available in non productive environment.

To retrieve the list of all institutions, use the List institutions API.

Configure the user interface#

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueRequired
backbuttonDisplay the back button on the top left-hand cornerfalsefalse
closebuttonDisplay the close button on the right-hand top cornerfalsefalse
logoDisplay the logo on the top of the screentruefalse
buttonbgcolorThe navigation buttons background color and progress bar color#000000false
buttontextcolorThe navigation buttons text color#FFFFFFfalse
progressbarDisplay the progress bar. If set to false a generic spinning circle will be display insteadtruefalse
logourlYour logo url to be used on the UI. If not informed, Zūm Rails logo is the default one-false
tecurlYour terms & conditions URL (consent page). When clicked, a new tab will be opened-false
institutionsearchDisplay the Institution Search boxtruefalse
finishredirecturlAn URL to redirect the page after the connection is completed (URL must include https://)-false
languageChange the connect language. There are two available options: en (english) and fr (french). If not set, the language will be chosen according to the browser language. English is applied if the given language is not available-false
accountselectorfooterDisplay a extra text with customizable link action that trigger a callback. To define link area use html tag for anchor <a> with no additional attributes. You should handle the redirect on the callbacks for events listeners-false

Configure the data to extract#

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueRequired
gettransactionsIf you want to extract transactionsfalsefalse
getholderinformationMandatory when adduserinportal is true, this parameter enables to extract the account holder's name and address.falsefalse
keepconnectionWhen true, keeps the user connection with the financial institution alive to be used for check balance and reconnect.falsefalse
datefromBy default we extract information for the last 3 months. Use this field if you want to specify another range. Format (yyyy-MM-dd)-false

Extra configuration#

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueRequired
extrafield1An extra field for custom information, later receive it when the connection is completed-false
extrafield2An extra field for custom information, later receive it when the connection is completed-false

Any parameters that are not true/false, like URLs or texts, must be encoded.


We recommend you use the Configure page to build your URL. No advanced technical knowledge is required.

List institutions#

Use this endpoint to list all supported institutions. Provide the region in the URL.

Method: GET

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/Aggregation/ListInstitutions?region=USA

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "GET Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": [
"Id": "2a778283-d87a-4b8c-aa3e-af1ed16bc486",
"FullName": "Zūm Rails Testing Bank"
"Id": "1f3a818c-d396-4ccb-af3b-d201e1c0d355",
"FullName": "Capital One"
"Id": "67e56976-80c6-4321-b93a-969b8685c848",
"FullName": "Bank of America"
"Id": "12112c05-3eec-4987-9740-508ab3b0aa07",
"FullName": "BMO (US)"
"Id": "c48d024d-5ab4-4438-b89a-6f60c9257ed6",
"FullName": "Charles Schwab US"


IdguidInstitution id
FullNamestringInstitution full name