
When aggregation is enabled in your account, Zūm Rails can pull a user’s financial data. This applies for use-cases such as account verification (Know Your Customer - KYC) and risk assessment (Based on past transaction history).

Method: GET

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/aggregation/GetInformationByRequestId/<request-id>

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "GET Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": {
"RequestId": "6082136a-...-e4b5129dc9d4",
"CustomerId": "b0db65fd-...-55a57b9a7c69",
"Card": {
"Id": "0f980576-..-02d090f70edf",
"UpdatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"CreatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Accounts": [
"Id": "dc8b5922-...-ac7e9f7eeed3",
"AccountNumber": "876022383",
"RoutingNumber": "021000021",
"Title": "Bank Chequing Account",
"Balance": 10.83,
"Currency": "USD",
"AccountCategory": "Operation",
"AccountSubCategory": "Chequing",
"Transactions": [
"Id": "1a97486e-...-b5df75a75501",
"UpdatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Date": "2022-06-05T00:00:00Z",
"Description": "UBER EATS",
"Debit": 30.0,
"Balance": 1000.83,
"Category": {
"Id": "baeda044-...-ae6ed78cf524",
"Name": "Food Delivery & Restaurants",
"InsightsType": "Expense"
"Id": "bae5010d-...-5eb2f2517652",
"AccountNumber": "4242424242424242",
"RoutingNumber": "021000021",
"Title": "Bank Savings Account",
"Balance": 103.17,
"Currency": "USD",
"AccountCategory": "Operation",
"AccountSubCategory": "Savings",
"Transactions": [
"Id": "7bb694d3-...-df90dbc9d8ad",
"UpdatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Date": "2022-06-03T00:00:00Z",
"Description": "Bank Mortgage",
"Debit": 530.12,
"Balance": 103.17,
"Category": {
"Id": "baeda044-...-ae6ed78cf524",
"Name": "Mortgage payments",
"InsightsType": "Expense"
"Id": "4ff87b60-...-28b40cb1d935",
"AccountNumber": "4242424242424242",
"RoutingNumber": "021000021",
"Title": "Bank World Visa",
"Balance": 3953.75,
"Currency": "USD",
"AccountCategory": "Credit",
"AccountSubCategory": "CreditCard",
"Transactions": [
"Id": "e7523aa5-....-790bfa70ee9b",
"UpdatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Date": "2022-06-04T00:00:00Z",
"Description": "TARGET STORE",
"Debit": 29.35,
"Balance": 548.78,
"Category": {
"Id": "baeda044-...-ae6ed78cf524",
"Name": "Other Shopping",
"InsightsType": "Expense"
"InstitutionId": "08cde436-e9a0-41c3-915a-7e7ebad26be8",
"InstitutionName": "Zūm Rails Testing Bank",
"HolderId": "634ba946-...-2815891e3439",
"Holder": {
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"FullName": "John Doe",
"Email": "",
"PhoneNumber": "999 999 9999",
"DateOfBirth": "01-01-1990",
"AddressCivic": "1st Street",
"AddressCity": "New York",
"AddressProvince": "New York",
"AddressCountry": "US",
"AddressPostalCode": "111111111"
"SelectedAccountId": "dc8b5922-...-ac7e9f7eeed3"


RequestIdstringThe id of the request
CustomerIdstringYour customer id
IdguidCard Id
UpdatedAtdatetimeWhen the card was last updated
CreatedAtdatetimeWhen the card was originally created
InstitutionIdguidInstitution Id
InstitutionNamestringThe name of the institution
HolderIdguidHolder Id
SelectedAccountIdguidThe selected account id in the Connector. This is the account to be used for ACH payments
IdguidThe account id
AccountNumberstringThe account number (used for ACH)
RoutingNumberstringThe account routing number (used for ACH)
TitlestringThe account title
BalancedecimalThe account balance
CurrencystringThe account currency USD
AccountCategorystringThe account category
AccountSubCategorystringThe account subcategory
IdguidThe transaction id
DatedatetimeDate when the transaction happened
DescriptionstringTransaction description
DebitdecimalAmount when the transaction is debit
CreditdecimalAmount when the transaction is credit
BalancedecimalBalance of the account at the moment of the transaction (if available)
IdguidThe category id
NamestringThe name of the category
InsightsTypestringIndicate if it's income or expense
FirstNamestringAccount holder first name
LastNamestringAccount holder last name
FullNamestringAccount holder full name
EmailstringAccount holder email
PhoneNumberstringAccount holder phone number
DateOfBirthstringAccount holder date of birth
AddressCivicstringAccount holder address
AddressCitystringAccount holder address city
AddressProvincestringAccount holder address province
AddressCountrystringAccount holder address country
AddressPostalCodestringAccount holder address postal code

Account Category

OperationAccounts that could be used for day-to-day use, such as ACH, or Savings
ProductAccounts that are sold as a product by the institution, such as investments accounts
CreditCredit Cards
OtherAny other type of account

Account Sub Category

ChequingOperationCheckings account
SavingsOperationSavings account
CreditCardCreditCredit card accounts
CreditCardPrepaidCreditPre-paid cards
GICProductGIC accounts
LineOfCreditProductAny line of credit account
LoanStudentProductStudent loans accounts
RRSPProductRRSP accounts
LoanProductAny other loan account
GICProductGIC accounts
TFSAProductTFSA accounts
MortgageProductMortgage accounts