Check balance

Aggregation Check balance allows you to refresh your user's bank accounts balance in a secure and intuitive way. You can use this to refresh the banking information balance of your users that were connected using aggregation.

Configure the option checkbalance = true and provide the Payment Instrument Id for the balance you want to refresh to the Zūm SDK/URL, and it will trigger the check balance flow.


To check the balance, the user must be aggregated with the option keepconnection = true. If the user was created without the keepconnection option, the balance check process will fail.

Here is how Reconnect will work:

1.User has successfully connected a bank account using Zūm Aggregation with keepconnection = true. 2. Zūm returns a Payment Instrument Id for the user’s connected bank account. 3. Trigger the Reconnect URL/SDK flow specifying the Payment Instrument Id for reconnect and the option checkbalance = true. 4. Zūm will retrieve the username and the bank account associated with the Payment Instrument Id. 5. Balance check response and callbacks are returned. Once check balance is completed, you can access the data collected for that particular bank account via the Zūm API.

Ways to integrate#

There is one way of using Zūm Rails Aggregation Check Balance:

  1. Connector SDK

To use the check balance feature you will take advantage of our secure Javascript SDK. This will be mandatory because of its added security when updating existing users through aggregation.

Connector SDK#

To check balance of a user’s card using the Connector SDK, use the payload specified here to generate the token and build the configuration. You need to specify the paymentinstrumentidforreconnect option with the value of the Payment Instrument Id for the balance you wish to update. The checkbalance option is also required. Check the example below.

options: {
paymentinstrumentidforreconnect: "<Payment Instrument Id value>",
checkbalance: true

The balance check process may prompt a security question. In this case, the user must provide the correct answer to complete the update.