Nothing blocks you from testing with a live card, but we recommend using the Zūm Rails Test Institution.
- If you are using the Connector without a javascript library, you must specify
the parameter
in the url. - If you are using the javascript library, you must pass the property
in the options parameter.
By doing the configuration above, the first institution on the list will be Zūm Rails Test Institution.
Happy path without security questionUsername | Password |
zum | rails |
Security question single answerThis option is used with institutions that prompt a one-time verification
code/SMS, or a single question, for example:
What is the name of your first pet?
or Confirm your identity on your phone
Username | Password |
zumquestionwithsingleanswer | rails |
Security question with multiple choices and a single answerThis option is used with institutions that prompt SMS or Email verification when they give a list of options to send the verification code.
Username | Password |
zummultiplechoicequestionwithsingleanswer | rails |
Security question with multiple optionsThis option is used with institutions that prompt SMS or Email verification when they give a list of phones and a list of options (SMS/Phone Call/Email) to send the verification code.
Username | Password |
zumsendtooptions | rails |
Security question with image dataThis option is used with institutions that prompt an image verification, for example:
An image will be displayed with the question: Who is this guy?
Username | Password |
zumImageData | rails |
If the question does not provide enough information for the correct answer, please respond with correct
Security question with image optionsThis option is used by institutions that require image verification. For example,
a prompt like Please select your favorite actor
will be displayed along with a group of images.
The user must select the correct image based on the prompt to proceed.
Username | Password |
zumImageOptions | rails |
If the question does not provide enough information for the correct answer, please follow these guidelines:
- If there are repeated images, select the single unique image as the correct answer.
- If there are no repeated images, select the top left image as the correct answer.
Multiple security questions with single answerThis option is used by institutions that prompt multiple questions with a single answer for each question.
For example, two questions might be displayed: What city were you born in?
and What is your mother's maiden name?
The user must answer all the questions to proceed.
Username | Password |
zumMultipleQuestionsWithSingleAnswer | rails |
If the question does not provide enough information for the correct answer, please respond with correct