
At Zūm, Users represent the payee for accounts payable, or the payer for accounts receivable. There are 3 ways of ingesting users, API, Portal, and Zūm Connect.

Zūm Rails recommends using Zūm Connect for the below reasons:

  • For EFT, it offers the end user the possibility to link his bank account, ensuring that the bank account information will be verified to avoid transaction failures.
  • For Credit Card and Visa Direct, it's required that we reduce your PCI scope.

For more information about Zūm Connect, click here.

Creating a new user#

Use this endpoint if you want to add a new user to your account. For Credit Card and Visa Direct, if you want to add a user through API, please contact Zūm support.

Method: POST

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"companyName": null,
"phoneNumber": "5141231234",
"clientUserId": "*",
"BankAccountInformation": {
"institutionNumber": "111",
"transitNumber": "12345",
"accountNumber": "1234567"
"CreditCardInformation": {
"Number": "1234123412341234",
"ExpireMonth": "01",
"ExpireYear": "2020",
"CVV": "123",
"AddressLine1": "123 street",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 123",
"AddressPostalCode": "A1A 1A1",
"AddressCountry": "Canada",
"AddressCity": "Toronto",
"AddressState": "ON"
"ShippingSameAsBilling": false,
"Addresses": [
"AddressCity": "User City",
"AddressCountry": "Canada",
"AddressLine1": "user address 122",
"AddressLine2": "test222",
"AddressPostalCode": "J4V0A3",
"AddressState": "QC",
"AddressType": "Shipping"

Input parameters

ParameterTypeEFT (Mandatory)Interac (Mandatory)Credit Card (Mandatory)Visa Direct (Mandatory)Description
FirstNamestringyesyesyesyesUser's first name, in case User is an individual. Character limit is 120.
LastNamestringyesyesyesyesUser's last name, in case User is an individual. Character limit is 120.
CompanyNamestringyesyesyesyesCompany name, in case User is a company. Character limit is 120.
EmailstringyesyesyesyesUser e-mail
PhoneNumberstringnonononoPhone number (maximum 10 characters, no special characters accepted)
ClientUserIdstringnonononoExternal Client User Identifier
InstitutionNumberstringyesnononoInstitution Number, 3 digits
TransitNumberstringyesnononoTransit Number, 5 digits
AccountNumberstringyesnononoAccount Number
ExpireMonthnumbernonoyesyesCard expiry month, 2 digits
ExpireYearnumbernonoyesyesCard expiry year, 4 digits
CVVstringnonoyesyesSecurity code, 3 or 4 digits
AddressLine1stringnonoyesnoBilling address line 1 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressLine2stringnonoyesnoBilling address line 2 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressPostalCodestringnonoyesnoBilling address postal code
AddressCountrystringnonoyesnoBilling address country
AddressCitystringnonoyesnoBilling address city (maximum 32 characters)
AddressStatestringnonoyesnoBilling address state/province
  1. When creating a user, provide FirstName and LastName if the user is an individual, or provide CompanyName if the user is a business.
  2. CVV and Expire Month/Year are mandatory for all transaction types with the Visa Direct/Credit Card payment methods.


idguidUser id
firstNamestringFirst name
lastNamestringLast name
companyNamestringCompany name, in case it's a company

Creating a New User for Aggregators#

Use this endpoint if you want to add a new user to your account. Only if you are using a third-party aggregator.

Method: POST

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user

"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Email": "",
"AuthCode": "N_8_TAx[RD_QqDQy6oBCEMZuFTsSg39qysvuMKuVA28nyx-Z"

Input parameters

FirstNamestringyesUser first name
LastNamestringyesUser last name
EmailstringyesUser e-mail
AuthCodestringyesKey used to get an access_code

Update user#

Use this endpoint if you want to edit the basic information for an existing user. The user id is informed in the url and the body payload contains the user information. This endpoint does not update the bank account information or the credit card information.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/UpdateBasicInformation/{user_id}

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"companyName": null,
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": "5141231234",
"clientUserId": "*"

Input parameters

ParameterTypeEFT (Mandatory)Interac (Mandatory)Credit Card (Mandatory)Visa Direct (Mandatory)Description
FirstNamestringyesyesyesyesUser first name. Character limit is 120.
LastNamestringyesyesyesyesUser last name. Character limit is 120.
CompanyNamestringnoyesyesyesCompany name, in case it's a company. Character limit is 120.
EmailstringyesyesyesyesUser e-mail
PhoneNumberstringnonononoPhone number (maximum 10 characters, no special characters accepted)
ClientUserIdstringnonononoExternal Client User Identifier


idguidUser id

Update bank account information#

Use this endpoint if you want to edit the bank account information from a user. The user id is informed in the url and the body payload contains the user information.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/UpdateBankAccountInformation/{user_id}

"institutionNumber": "111",
"transitNumber": "12345",
"accountNumber": "1234567"

Input parameters

ParameterTypeEFT (Mandatory)Description
InstitutionNumberstringyesInstitution Number, 3 digits
TransitNumberstringyesTransit Number, 5 digits
AccountNumberstringyesAccount Number


idguidUser id

Update credit card information#

Use this endpoint if you want to edit the credit card information for a user. The user id is informed in the url and the body payload contains the user information.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/UpdateCreditCardInformation/{user_id}

"Number": "4242424242424242",
"ExpireMonth": "01",
"ExpireYear": "2025",
"CVV": "111",
"AddressLine1": "123 street",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 123",
"AddressPostalCode": "A1A 1A1",
"AddressCountry": "Canada",
"AddressCity": "Toronto",
"AddressState": "ON"

Input parameters

ParameterTypeCredit Card (Mandatory)Visa Direct (Mandatory)Description
ExpireMonthnumberyesyesCard expiry month, 2 digits
ExpireYearnumberyesyesCard expiry year, 4 digits
CVVstringyesyesSecurity code, 3 or 4 digits
AddressLine1stringnoyesBilling address line 1 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressLine2stringnoyesBilling address line 2 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressPostalCodestringnoyesBilling address postal code
AddressCountrystringnoyesBilling address country (Canada)
AddressCitystringnoyesBilling address city (maximum 32 characters)
AddressStatestringnoyesBilling address state/province


idguidUser id

Update credit card billing address information#

Use this endpoint if you want to edit the credit card billing address information from a user. The user id is informed in the url and the body payload contains the address information.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/UpdateBillingAddressInformation/{user_id}

"AddressLine1": "123 street",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 123",
"AddressPostalCode": "A1A 1A1",
"AddressCountry": "Canada",
"AddressCity": "Toronto",
"AddressState": "ON"

Input parameters

ParameterTypeCredit Card (Mandatory)Visa Direct (Mandatory)Description
AddressLine1stringnoyesBilling address line 1 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressLine2stringnoyesBilling address line 2 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressPostalCodestringnoyesBilling address postal code
AddressCountrystringnoyesBilling address country (Canada)
AddressCitystringnoyesBilling address city (maximum 32 characters)
AddressStatestringnoyesBilling address state/province


idguidUser id

Update user shipping address information#

Use this endpoint if you want to update the shipping address information from a user. The user id is informed in the url and the body payload contains the address information.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/UpdateShippingAddressInformation/{user_id}/{sameAsBilling}


The boolean sameAsBilling informs us to use the billing address as shipping address.

"AddressLine1": "123 street",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 123",
"AddressPostalCode": "A1A 1A1",
"AddressCountry": "Canada",
"AddressCity": "Toronto",
"AddressState": "ON"

Input parameters

ParameterTypeCredit Card (Mandatory)Visa Direct (Mandatory)Description
AddressLine1stringnoyesshipping address line 1 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressLine2stringnoyesshipping address line 2 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressPostalCodestringnoyesshipping address postal code
AddressCountrystringnoyesshipping address country (Canada)
AddressCitystringnoyesshipping address city (maximum 32 characters)
AddressStatestringnoyesshipping address state/province


idguidUser id
sameAsBillingbooleanUse the billing address as shipping address if true

Get a specific user#

Use this endpoint if you want to get all the information for a specific user. The user id is informed in the url.

Method: GET

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/{user_id}

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "GET Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": {
"Id": "03dcefc9-4aad-4184-a93f-dd734a1e9ddc",
"CreatedAt": "2020-05-13T14:23:32.809446",
"FirstName": "john",
"LastName": "Doe",
"CompanyName": null,
"PhoneNumber": null,
"Email": "",
"ClientUserId": "*",
"LastRefresh": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"AggregationRequestId": "15bb883e-e0bb-4a58-9a2c-f8ff234033b4",
"BankAccountInformation": {
"Institution": "Bank Name",
"InstitutionNumber": "123",
"TransitNumber": "12345",
"AccountNumber": "1234567",
"FirstName": null,
"LastName": null,
"AggregationStatus": "Connected",
"LastTimeRefreshed": "2020-05-13T14:24:05.82614",
"AggregationFailedReason": "None",
"AggregationBalance": 50007.98,
"NameMatch": {
"Score": 90,
"Result": "Matched"
"CreditCardInformation": {
"Number": "************1234",
"ExpireMonth": "01",
"ExpireYear": "2020",
"AddressLine1": "123 street",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 123",
"AddressPostalCode": "A1A 1A1",
"AddressCountry": "Canada",
"AddressCity": "Toronto",
"AddressState": "ON",
"BrandName": "Visa",
"Institution": "TD",
"VerifyCreditCardStatus": "NotVerified"
"TransactionsMethodsAvailable": {
"Eft": true,
"VisaDirectPull": false,
"VisaDirectPush": false,
"Interac": true,
"CreditCard": true


IdguidUser id
CreatedAtdatetimeWhen the user was created
FirstNamestringFirst name
LastNamestringLast name
CompanyNamestringCompany name
PhoneNumberstringLast name
EmailstringLast name
ClientUserIdstringExternal Client User Identifier
LastRefreshdatetimeLast name
AggregationRequestIdguidUnique identifier of the aggregation request
InstitutionstringInstitution name
InstitutionNumberstringInstitution Number
TransitNumberstringTransit Number
AccountNumberstringAccount Number
FirstNamestringLast name
LastNamestringLast name
AggregationStatusstringIndicate if the account is Connected
LastTimeRefresheddatetimeWhen the last refresh happened
AggregationFailedReasonstringIf failed, informs the failure reason
AggregationBalancedecimalEFT account current balance
NameMatch.ScorenumberA numerical value between 0 and 100 indicating the similarity between the provided user name and the name on the bank account. Scores exceeding 90 suggest a high degree of match
NameMatch.ResultstringA description of the name-match score. It can be “Matched” or “Not Matched”
NumberstringLast for digits only
ExpireMonthnumberCard expiry month, 2 digits
ExpireYearnumberCard expiry year, 4 digits
CVVstringSecurity code, 3 or 4 digits
AddressLine1stringBilling address line 1 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressLine2stringBilling address line 2 (maximum 60 characters)
AddressPostalCodestringBilling address postal code
AddressCountrystringBilling address country
AddressCitystringBilling address city (maximum 32 characters)
AddressStatestringBilling address state/province
BrandNamestringThe brand, Visa, Master, etc.
InstitutionstringThe institution of the card, valid for Visa Direct when using aggregation
VerifyCreditCardStatusstringIf it is credit card and the card is verified
EftBooleanIndicate if this user can do EFT transactions
VisaDirectPullBooleanIndicate if this user can do Visa Direct PULL transactions
VisaDirectPushBooleanIndicate if this user can do Visa Direct PUSH transactions
InteracBooleanIndicate if this user can do Interac transactions
CreditCardBooleanIndicate if this user can do Credit Card transactions


NotConnectedThe account is not linked using Zūm Connect
ConnectedAccount is fully connected and ready to be used
ConnectingProcess underway to link account
RefreshingThe account is linked, but the aggregation service is still refreshing/connecting the account.
RefreshFailedThe account was linked but the aggregation service could not refresh the most updated information

When a new user is added using Zūm Connect, with financial data aggregation, it might take a few minutes until the account is completely connected. The Field BankAccountInformation. AggregationStatus will indicate when the account is connected. If the response is: Refreshing, call this endpoint again after 30 seconds.


Some credit cards do not allow Visa Direct, if they have a credit card informed and it allows Visa Direct, the field CreditCardInformation.VisaDirect will be true.

Interac - Send Funds options#


This endpoint is not available for all Zūm Rails customers, if you need to use it, make sure to talk with our team.

Use this endpoint if you want to know if the user is registered for automatic deposits, or if it's account router number eligible. The user id is informed in the url.

Method: GET

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/GetInteracSendFundsOptions/{user_id}

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "GET Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": {
"RequireSecurityQuestionAndAnswer": true,
"AutomaticDepositAvailable": false,
"AccountNumberRoutingAvailable": false


RequireSecurityQuestionAndAnswerbooleanIndicate if security questions are required for the informed user in order to create an Interac Send Funds
AutomaticDepositAvailablebooleanIf true, means this user email is registered for Interac automatic deposit
AccountNumberRoutingAvailablebooleanIf true, means this user can accept Interac Account Routing ANR. The user needs to have the bank account information on file.

Interac - Register auto deposit#


This endpoint is not available for all Zūm Rails customers, if you need to use it, make sure to talk with our team.

Use this endpoint if you want to register a user for automatic deposits into your Zūm Rails wallet.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/RegisterInteracAutoDeposit/{user_id}

For example, if you register a user with the email, then any Interac Send Funds initiated to will be automatically deposited into your Zūm Rails wallet.


After the request for registration is initiated, the user will receive an email from Interac to accept. Only after accepted, the auto deposit will be enabled.

Interac - Cancel auto deposit#


This endpoint is not available for all Zūm Rails customers, if you need to use it, make sure to talk with our team.

Use this endpoint if you have previously registered a user for automatic deposit with Zūm Rails. This will send a request to unregister the user with Interac rails.

Method: PATCH

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/RegisterInteracAutoDepositCancellation/{user_id}


Interac - Get auto deposit information#


This endpoint is not available for all Zūm Rails customers, if you need to use it, make sure to talk with our team.

Use this endpoint if you have a user that was previously registered for automatic deposit and you want to know the status of the registration.

Method: GET

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/GetInteracAutoDepositInformation/{user_id}

This endpoint can be used to get to know if the user has accepted or declined the email received from Interac right after the registration, for example.


After you registered a user for automatic deposit, and the user has accept, at any moment the same user can go to another bank and register the same email there, when this is done, the status will change from ACTIVE to NOT_ACTIVE

Auto Deposit Status

PENDINGPending user to confirm the email received from Interac
ACTIVEAuto deposit active with Zūm Rails
IN_REVIEWThe request is being reviewed by Interac
NOT_ACTIVEThe request is not active anymore
EXPIREDThe request is expired
DECLINEDThe request declined the email received from Interac
REPORTEDThe user or Interac reported this request as not valid

Delete a user#

Use this endpoint if you want to delete a user. The user id is informed in the url. When deleting a user, all transactions already created for the respective user will remain active, but the user's data will be completely erased.

Method: DELETE

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/{user_id}

"statusCode": 200,
"message": "DELETE Request successful.",
"isError": false,
"result": ""

Search for a user#

Use this endpoint if you want to search for a specific user. Users are returned with pagination, which means that if you need to retrieve all users you need to call the same endpoint incrementing the CurrentPage. This endpoint will not return all user information, if you need to get a specific user information, then you need to call the user/get endpoint.

Method: POST

Endpoint: {{env}}/api/user/filter

"CreatedAtOperator": "isBetween",
"UserName":"John Doe",
"ClientUserIdOperator": "contains",
"ClientUserId": "*"
"Pagination": {
"PageNumber": 1

Date operators

IsInTheLastFilter records on or after
ExactlyMatchesFilter records with exact date
IsBetweenFilters records in range
IsAfterFilter records after date
IsOnOrAfterFilter records on or after
IsBeforeFilter records before date
IsBeforeOrOnFilter records before or on date

Input parameters

GenericSearchstringnoFilter users by user name and user email
UserNamestringnoFirst and/or Last name
CreatedAtdatetimenoCreate date
CreatedAtFromdatetimenoStart date (This field is only used when the operator is between)
CreatedAtTodatetimenoEnd date (This field is only used when the operator is between)
CreatedAtOperatorstringnoOperator to filter with CreatedAt properties
EmailstringnoUser email
ClientUserIdstringnoExternal Client User Identifier
ClientUserIdOperatorstringOperator to filter with ClientUserId
PageNumbernumbernoThe respective page, starting at 1


CurrentPagenumberThe current page
PageSizenumberThe amount of rows returned in the current page
TotalCountnumberThe total rows the filter returns
ItemsList of users
IdguidUser id
CreatedAtdatetimeWhen the user was created
FirstNamestringFirst name
LastNamestringLast name
CompanyNamestringCompany name
EmailstringLast name
ClientUserIdstringExternal Client User Identifier
BankAccountInformation* if available
LastTimeRefresheddatetimeLast time the account was refreshed
AggregationStatusstringIndicates if the account is linked with the aggregation service
AggregationBalancedecimalAccount balance
NameMatch.ScorenumberA numerical value between 0 and 100 indicating the similarity between the provided user name and the name on the bank account. Scores exceeding 90 suggest a high degree of match
NameMatch.ResultstringA description of the name-match score. It can be “Matched” or “Not Matched”

We recommend you search by a respective user, retrieve the user id and then use the GET specific user endpoint to retrieve the detailed information about the user.