Connector SDK
The javascript SDK library allows you to build a more robust integration with the Zūm Rails Connector. Instead of hosting a public URL, the library enables you to create a temporary token, initiate and configure the Connector via Javascript and finally receive callbacks when the connection is completed.
Steps to follow to complete your integration:
- Call Zūm Rails API to create a Connector Token
- Refer the javascript SDK library to your website, build your configuration options and init the SDK
- Handle the callbacks
- Go Live
Create a tokenTo create a token, you must first authenticate in Zūm Rails API. More information can be found here
The second step is to create a token for the Connector SDK.
Method: POST
Endpoint: {{env}}/api/aggregationconnector/createtoken
- Payload (empty)
- Response
You will need to use the property result.Token
Each token is valid only once, for 15 minutes.
Install JS SDKRefer to the js library below on your website. One URL for sandbox, another one
- Sandbox
- Production
Init the JS SDKThe library expects 2 mandatory parameters:
Parameter | Description |
token | The token received in the endpoint {{env}}/api/aggregationconnector/createtoken |
config | A JSON config representing all the configurations available and described here |
Below is an example of the code needed to init the JS SDK.
- JS SDK Code
In the example above, it will be needed to add jQuery reference. Second, in order to trigger the aggregation flow is expected to define a button with id btnGoConnect
We recommend you use the Configure page to build the
CallbacksWhen something happens, the SDK library will fire a few callbacks, allowing you to get the data and take immediate action quickly. For example, call the endpoint to get the full card information onSuccess by passing the requestId or cardId
onLoadThis callback is triggered when the UI is loaded and presented on the screen.
- There are no parameters in this callback
onConnectorClosedThis callback is triggered when the end user clicks the X button to close the Connector
- There are no parameters in this callback
onErrorThis callback is triggered when the connection fails by any error not expected in the happy flow.
- error: An error message explaining the reason why the failure happened
onSuccessThis callback is triggered when the connection is completed, and the card was successfully linked
- requestid: The id of the request, unique per attempt
- cardid: The id of the card, unique per card, and institution number. If you connect the same card 2 times, the cardid will keep being the same
- extrafield1: The extra field 1 informed when the library was initiated
- extrafield2: The extra field 2 informed when the library was initiated
- userid: The id of the user added in Zūm Rails Portal if parameter adduserinportal is set to true
- clientuserid: Your internal user id for user added in Zūm Rails Portal if parameter adduserinportal is set to true and clientuserid is informed
onStepChangedThis callback is triggered when there is a page change, or an action was taken by the end-user
- data: A json object with this format
{ step: <STEP>, data: {EXTRA DATA}}
A list of steps can be found here:
Parameter | Description |
CONNECTORLOADED | When the Connector is loaded |
CONNECTORCLOSED | When the Connector is closed |
CONSENTACCEPTED | When the consent was accepted |
INSTITUTIONSELECTED | When an institution is selected |
AUTHENTICATEINITIATED | When we start authenticating the connection |
ACCOUNTSELECTORFOOTERCLICKED | When the link on the instution selection footer is clicked |
SECURITYQUESTIONPROMPTED | When a security question is prompted |
SECURITYQUESTIONANSWERINITIATED | When the security question is answered, and we resume the authentication |
AUTHENTICATECOMPLETED | When authentication is completed |
GETINFORMATIONINITIATED | When the get card information process starts |
GETINFORMATIONCOMPLETED | When the get card information process completes |
CONNECTIONSUCCESSFULLYCOMPLETED | When the process is completed |
GENERICERROR | When an unexpected error occurs |